I love the colours, That we are made of. The beds of light, That peek out between. I love the space Where your arms feel reaching. For my heart that glitters, Is flying.
I love the way your mine. Because all the bad things, I will sin. And taking me Backseat so easy.
Oh my dear You are so Damn pleasing. Promise that you'll take me back forever.
I'll promise you, The same, Twice over.
La la la la La la La la.
Your love is my Millenium. Your love is my Millenium.
Hace rato. Sabes que hago memoria del registro que tengo de tu existencia antes de todo, y es tan vago, tan... al peo, tan al azar. Y ahora eres tú quien me sostiene día a día y en cada momento.
Ahí has estado, siempre tomándome firme, sin dejarme escapar.-